What are common habits that make you attractive?
The Side Story… Rewind and Watch
Three decades ago, when I started my career, I was excited, but it was also intimidating, because we are all afraid of a new job. No matter what role you find yourself in, that diminishing fear informs you that you won’t know anyone, the culture of the organization, the dynamics of your team and even your role is a dense book to you right now. But the sooner you can face those fears, the sooner you can dive in and make an impact. I discovered what I really wanted to do in my work life and started exploring the possibilities of getting ahead.
I realized that working hard in your workplace doesn’t get you much. Hard work is the basic recipe for success, but I wanted to add my own substitute ingredients that will be interesting for my long-term professional development.
I have created my own parameters for advanced monitoring of my growth and to understand what personal qualities I could develop in my career. Here I share with you my parameters and life lessons, it can help you recognize patterns or lessons in your professional history:
1) Zero cost formula: keep smiling. Smiling has a power that makes you feel attractive, but also people, feel connected and valued.
2) Your desire to connect with people is the most crucial part in building productive, efficient and valuable people around you. From top to bottom, if you can relate to people, you will be better able to serve ideas, goals, perspectives, backgrounds, and values.
3) Your Business Knowledge — When you know better, you do better and serve better.
4) Transparency in action, to build trust. The higher you go, the more people look at you, checking the alignment between what you say and what you do.
5) No false promises because everything you do, directly or indirectly, contributes to the culture. Small things have a big impact and you need to be aware of your actions, inaction and their implications.
6) Stop pointing fingers and blaming others. Help more and judge less.
7) Don’t make excuses because nobody cares. Get out of your simple (rationalization) habit and educate yourself, learn about the challenge or the process. This challenge is an opportunity to change your perspective, to help you get out of your comfort zone.
8) Learn to applaud and celebrate the victories of others.
I have learned during my journey that your strength lies in knowing that you were created for a purpose and for a purpose. You have to discover your purpose, your passion, and believe me, it requires a lot of self-reflection. Stay tuned to keep up, pause and identify what to keep and what to change. Take every opportunity to learn and grow.
I hope and wish that this sharing somehow changes your perspective. Think about what correction you would make aware to optimize your growth.